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研发定制 Custom development

  • 发表时间:2022-08-13
  • 来源:网络
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  因为我们只生产电火花机,没有别的选择,所以研发出新品对我们来说才是企业的生存之道,新型的机型有便携式电脉冲机型,机器结构完全不同,非常复杂,经常有其他厂家冒充自己的为电脉冲机型,只需拆开机箱就可以一目了然。目前公司拥有 便携式电火花机、取断丝锥机、取断钻头机、取断螺栓机、穿孔机、冷焊机(电火花堆焊机)、模具修补机、铸造缺陷修补机等具有自主知识产权的系列产品,目前我方正在研发小型高速穿孔机,敬请期待。

It has strong technical advantages. For many years focused on the development of portable electric spark machine. Over the years, a large number of customers have been accumulated. The products of the same type are of high quality and low price. They provide batch production services for many enterprises at home and abroad. The products are rich in types and meet the needs of customers at all levels.

We only focus on R & D, production and EDM products.

Real R & D and production will not play useless gimmicks. The development and production of a type of machine can no longer exceed its performance at a certain stage. All the additional functions are gimmicks and impractical. For this type of machine, we guarantee its proper function and performance.

That is to do a good job in the quality and service of the machine, make minor changes, don't play gimmicks, don't let consumers spend money wrongly.

Because we only produce electric spark machines, there is no other choice, so developing new products is the way for us to survive. The new models have portable electric pulse machines. The structure of the machines is completely different and very complex. Often other manufacturers pretend to be their own electric pulse machines. They just need to open the chassis. At a glance. At present, the company has a series of products with independent intellectual property rights, such as portable spark machine, tapping machine, cutting drill, bolting machine, piercing machine, cold welding machine (spark surfacing machine), die repairing machine, casting defect repairing machine, etc. At present, we are developing small high-speed piercing machine, please look forward to it.



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